Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Hi Fringe Family,

I am thrilled and overwhelmed at all your support for the #ForeverFringe 'Twitter Event' last Friday. We did not trend but that is ok as I really just wanted us all to be together and spread a lot of 'Fringe Love' being the first Friday after the finale and we certainly did! It is clear that our love for 'Fringe' is invulnerable to space and time and as long as we gather together each Friday and celebrate the Beautiful Love Story that 'Fringe' is, 
So here are the details for this weeks event.......

This Friday (Feb 1) starting at 8PM-EST let's use the hashtag (#)ItsNeverOver in all our 'Fringe' related tweets! Also you can either tune into the Science Channel at 8PM-EST to watch episodes 3X02, 3X03 and 3X04 or join in the rewatch at 9PM-EST as some of us have started over and will be watching episode 1x02!

 Here is a link to get an icon for the event but you will have to click on the icon you want and then save the icon to your computer and then upload it into twitter!

Fringe's epic run may have come to an end but in our hearts 


(Big thanks to @Fringenuity for starting these wonderful events and helping 'Fringe' get the final season it so rightly deserved)

-Thank You @_Diamonit_ for the Awesome Pic-


This blog is dedicated first and foremost to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without whom I can do nothing and am nothing but with Him I can do all things through His strength in my life each day! (Philippians 4:13)

But this is also a place for me to express my love for my favorite TV show 'FRINGE' by organizing post Fringe 'Twitter Events' to keep the spirit of 'Fringe Friday' alive because even though our beloved show has come to an end does not mean we can't still celebrate it every Friday night! I believe Friday night will always belong to us and as long as we keep the memory of Fringe alive in our hearts, its not dead!
(This is a pic of my birthday cake from August 2012)

(My tribute to the 'Fringe 100 Episode Wrap Party')

(My tribute to the best show in TV history)